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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme ONE90 shell

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I searched and didnt find any thing real specific.

My Brown breezers arent going to cut it this year... Ill need black. Instead of buying new pants all together, Im thinkin a shell might be a better way to go.

I was looking at a few, and on NBHs site it says that the XXX Lite shell is used primarily with girdles, and that the ONE90 is a better team color option. Does any one have experience with theese? Ive never worn a shell before... and I feel like if it doesnt fit just perfect it might make the pants less mobile? I dont know, Im just rattling off ideas.

By the way, they would be going on a pair of custom CCM pants.. that are probably about 4 years old? sz Sr L I believe. Which I would assume would put me at a Sz L shell too?

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I can't say anything about the NBH shells, however i did need to use a shell about a week ago. it was a CCM. I didn't even notice a difference between shell and no shell. the CCM shell was very large, but when it is all done up, it fit very well, good mobility too. The legs were a little wider on the shell than my pants but that didn't bother me at all.

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