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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove recommendation?

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I've got average-to-small hands. Probably looking for a glove with a palm break (I'm assuming they're easier to close). And looking for a break angle that'll make it easier for me to handle the puck. Don't think I need pro stock for my level of play, so it won't be that heavy.

Any recommendations of what I should look at in the store? Any other variables I should include?

Just an edit: I think I'm more comfortable with a C break glove, and something closer to 90 degrees is what I've been using. Although, I think my Hespeler had a finger break. Would a palm break make it easier for me to open/close? That's always bothered me.

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I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to hand size. I've found the first, second and third generation Vaughn Velocity gloves (not the new V3's) and the Mission Motion trappers (not the Heliums) to be the best fitting gloves for smaller hands. I've also heard (but never tried) Vortek and Battram gloves work well for smaller hands. I believe both are similar in construction to the first generation Velocity's.

Definitely look for a palm break glove...it will give you the most possible control over the opening and closing of the glove.

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TPS Bionic Intermediate. It's got a break like a baseball glove (palm-perfect C), the best balance of any glove ever, major league protection, and the Int. model isn't sloppily huge.

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i've just decided to get into goaltending after playing forward for 12+ seasons. i have really small hands and borrowed a friend's senior size glove and i could barely even close it.

would it be "unsafe" for me to use intermediate equipment playing against adults? i'm just going to play for kicks in a beginner league, but i still don't want to have someone blow my hand off playing pick-up or something like that.

i don't know anything about goalie gear, so any help would be appreciated.

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seabass, it all depends on the brand and model.

The TPS Bionics I mentioned were - at both the Int. and Jr. levels - proportionally redesigned versions of the pro-grade Senior gear. The materials and workmanship were identical, just smaller (with the sole exception that the Jr. model had traditional finger protection instead of the player-glove padding on the Int. and Sr.). I actually used a Bionic Jr. trapper in a university varsity practice, and took a couple of heavy shots to the palm with no effect. This is also true of the Vaughn Velocity series - they're just smaller pro gloves.

However, most Int. and Jr. lines are made with lesser protection, materials and workmanship. You can't even trust single companies - the TPS Exceed Int. line was a substandard offshore version that had all the palm and backhand protection of wet cardboard. RBK's "Intermediate Pro" gear is absolute crap.

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