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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Pump Question

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I have worn the 5K's and found that the pump on the right skate would lose just a bit of air during a game/practice. I liked the depth of the 5K and the forefoot as well.

Question: Does the Vector line compare with the 5K in width at the toe and forefoot?

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I have worn the 5K's and found that the pump on the right skate would lose just a bit of air during a game/practice. I liked the depth of the 5K and the forefoot as well.

Question: Does the Vector line compare with the 5K in width at the toe and forefoot?

Not at all. Tigheter through the toe cap (narrows more quickly) and the midfoot is narrower and with a more abrupt arch support.

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The main discernable difference that is a make or break it deal for people is the arch support. The RBK's is much lower and more of a gradual support, while the Vectors turns vertical very abruptly. Vectors are much more suited towards people with higher arches.

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Your info has been very appreciated, Spreedizzle! I have higher arches.

I have also tried many skates, finding that in the 5K my skating was the best but just didn't care for the pumping. The lack of arch support was something of an issue, mostly with the right skate as it pronated just a bit. I think I need to get to my LHS and check out the Vector 4 or Vector 6. Thanks again for your time with my questions!

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