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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wrinkle on inside of skate lining

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Hey guys,

There is a wrinkle in the lining on the inside of my Graf 727s that is interfering with the heel lock of my right foot. (I bought them like this at a discount). Can I cut out the "wrinkle" with an exacto knife, or will the lining start to come apart if I do that? The problem isn't so bad that I'm willing to take any risks.

Has anyone dealt with this before?


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I had the very same thing happen to a pair of 703's a few years ago.

The shop I deal with in Edmonton fixed it but they didn't cut the wrinkle out. They took an exacto and cut the liner along the very bottom of the skate and then pulled liner down and the wrinkle came out. They trimmed of the excess liner at the bottom and glued it back in place. I wore them for another 18 months and it was no problem.

Does this description make sense?

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