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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Height issues...

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it doesn't matter how tall you are. Get stronger and that way you have more leverage than taller people. Its not height that matters, its strength and heart. Play with heart and if you have any skill at all you do really well. Remember, heart and desire go a lot further than size and skill. The best players have lots of skill, but what people don't realize is how much heart they play with. They want it more than everyone else.

Couldnt agree more. I'm a TINY 5'3, but im also 142 lbs, 4% body fat and probly 130 lbs of pure muscle. During my years in high school, I always made sure that I was involved in a sport. 3 years of soccer in the fall(for mostly cardio), 1 year of wrestling and 3 years of hockey in the winter. 4 years of lacrosse in the spring. I also have been boxing every summer since I was 11.(All the while going to the gym 4 days a week)All of these sports(with the exception of soccer....I just dont like it :P ) test your strength, heart, determination and mind. You start to gain confidence when you do sports which involve large amounts of toughness.

I can suggest for hockey, make sure you have an incredibly strong base. I can say from experience, that I'm one of the toughest SOBs to knock off my skates because I have an incredible base. Thigh/Hip/Hammy strength is CRITICAL for smaller players.

Another crucial aspect for small players is the chest and upper body. My chest is HUGE, I mean freakishly.A normal guy's center of gravity is in his midsection. Naturally, if your a smaller player, your chest is probly going to be closer to his midsection than your midsection, so build your chest to take away his center of gravity.Also, if a bigger player hits you with his center of gravity and you have a small/weak chest, your going to get knocked over easier.

Stay away from getting bulky muscle in areas that I like to call, "fo show" areas. Like the shoulders, biceps and triceps. Having large shoulders can hurt your flexibility and affect the way your equiptment fits. I had large bulky shoulders going from boxing to hockey my junior year and I lost flexibility in my arms because my shoulders were interfering with the pads. Biceps and triceps do nothing for hockey size either. In fact, the added arm strength can give you a bad feel for your sticks and gloves.

Dont fret about being small. Establish yourself physically with the frame you have. People will respect you if you have confidence and dont back down from people.

(also, if you think being small will cause the ladies to run from you....trust me...I have no troubles with the ladies at all...its all confidence.)

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i read in maxim i think about a surgery that takes a few months and helps you grow about 4 inches. problem is, if the surgery goes wrong, your legs could shatter and you would be stuck in a wheel chair for a damn long time. it goes something like they break your legs in strategic places, place braces all the way up to your hip, then insert tapered titanium screws into your leg. once the bone recovers slightly, they tighten the screws (rebreaking the leg) and stretch the leg out and a quarter of an inch every time. the pain is supposed to be unreal and many of the patients are given heavy heavy drugs to keep them from passing out from pain. i'll try and find the article to be more specific here. oh and also, it costs around 100 grand.

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The "Stretching" process isnt 100k. A family doctor of mine said it was around $5000. HGH was an EXPENSIVE process, that had "hit or miss" results, but I wasnt interested in the $25k price tag and the idea it could "hit" and I'd be FREAKISHLY tall or "miss" and not grow at all.

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yah I'm about 5'3"-5'5" not sure...since I haven't measured in a while. I play basketball a lot now. Milk stops working after you're 13?

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yah I'm about 5'3"-5'5"  not sure...since I haven't measured in a while.  I play basketball a lot now.  Milk stops working after you're 13?

Don't get crazy about your height, at your age I was like you and now I'm 6"2"" at 19 and I hope that I stop to grow.

And I was doing nothing like drink milk or I don't know the others things to grow up more.

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Blackhawks is right there are growth hormones that will work but it must come from a doctor and you must convince him it is essential. Is it? I coached a girls softball team that had one girl whos mom was 4 foot 4 and her daughter was almost two feet shorter than the rest of the other girls her age. A doctor found it was warrented and gave the growth hormones and very closely monitored her progress. That was 4 years ago and the girl is average in stature and hieght now. According to her mom it was a long and detailed process including diet and excercise plus weekly visits to the doctor. I dont know about age affecting the process except the girl was 12 at the time. Talk to a doctor and really think hard about this. There are always drawbacks to any type of drugs even if doctor approved.

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eiop, didnt u say you were asian in that vancouver post? haha i am too. maybe thats why your short. haha. well not me. im 6'1. :P

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