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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody try the Webbased game Senior League Hockey?

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Doesn't seem to be to bad, looks like it has been going on for a couple of years. Kinda slow if you don't have a game that day, but something to do in the background whilst browsing MSH...

No drafts, or trades, you acquire players through waivers... you win you get credits... or you can purchase them. Credits are used for training or buying players through waivers. Credits also get you into Turnaments and create challenges with other players.

<a href="http://iggy.seniorleaguehockey.com/f.php?f=fadeyr">SeniorLeagueHockey Fans</a>

Thats a link, gets me fans! I just wish it was more in depth with actual attendance and fans, a salary cap.... etc.

An online browser version of Eastside Hockey manager would be awesome. But I suppose this will do till I get bored with it.

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Played it for a season, seemed a little basic if ya know what I mean, sort of a rock paper scissors game if you work out what settings and tactics to use for each game your pretty much gonna win.

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