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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heres the deal. Besides playing the ocassional roller hockey i dont get to play. My job stinks. It does not allow me to beer league due to my crappy hours. I know I quit. Cant due to finishing school. Okay to the point. My wife has a possible great job opportunity in cheyenne, wyoming. So its time maybe time to move. Currently I live in PA so I have never been to wyoming and know little about it. Is there hockey and how far from Cheyenne?

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I grew up in Wyoming and have family there that I visit pretty regularly. In particular, I'm in Cheyenne kind of often. The Taco Johns Events Center has lots of pickup hockey and sponsors different levels of senior leagues (http://tacojohnseventscenter.com/). There is an ACHA DivIII team 45 miles away in Laramie (and there are teams all over the northern Colorado area...), and I think Cheyenne has a senior travel team that participates in tournaments (don't quote me on this). Just call the arena and ask...they were really nice to me when I was looking for pickup over the holidays.

Cheyenne itself isn't really that great, depending on what you guys do for a living your mileage may vary. Wyoming is a state with less than half a million people, so you definitely need to be able to make your own "fun" . Denver isn't too far...100 miles or so, and Ft. Collins and Boulder CO. are great places that are also close.

Don't hesitate to PM me with any questions you have about WY, I'll try to answer them.

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Cheyenne has a nice ice rink and a good men's team. My team plays them a few times a year-we are about 5 hrs away, and we host a tourney in the fall, while another local men's club hosts one in the spring. They always come for those.

We will sometimes travel down there to play them, but it's been a couple of years. There are also a few lower-level rec teams.

Near Cheyenne, you have Casper, Douglas, and Laramie. All have rinks and men's teams, although lately Casper and Douglas have been joining forces to travel. Laramie also has the University of Wyoming club team, but I think they practice/play in Cheyenne-45 minute drive.

South of Cheyenne is Ft. Collins, CO which has a pretty good hockey scene and is less than an hour away.

South is Ft. Collins is Loveland, where the Colorado Eagles of the CHL play in a nice arena.

I know a lot of the guys on the Cheyenne team, so if you decide to move, let me know and I can give you some names. There is also a small LHS that can steer you in the right direction.

To sum it up, it's not perfect, but it could be much worse

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Near Cheyenne, you have Casper, Douglas, and Laramie. All have rinks and men's teams, although lately Casper and Douglas have been joining forces to travel. Laramie also has the University of Wyoming club team, but I think they practice/play in Cheyenne-45 minute drive.

I know a lot of the guys on the Cheyenne team, so if you decide to move, let me know and I can give you some names. There is also a small LHS that can steer you in the right direction.

To sum it up, it's not perfect, but it could be much worse

It's actually better than where I currently am for hockey. The LHS is expensive, but stocks a lot of sticks, if I recall correctly. Casper is 2.5 hours aways or so, I thought their men's team fizzled out?

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Near Cheyenne, you have Casper, Douglas, and Laramie. All have rinks and men's teams, although lately Casper and Douglas have been joining forces to travel. Laramie also has the University of Wyoming club team, but I think they practice/play in Cheyenne-45 minute drive.

I know a lot of the guys on the Cheyenne team, so if you decide to move, let me know and I can give you some names. There is also a small LHS that can steer you in the right direction.

To sum it up, it's not perfect, but it could be much worse

It's actually better than where I currently am for hockey. The LHS is expensive, but stocks a lot of sticks, if I recall correctly. Casper is 2.5 hours aways or so, I thought their men's team fizzled out?

Kind of. It's been a Casper/Douglas hybrid the last few years at our tourney. Sometimes they come as Casper, sometimes as Douglas, but it's mostly the same guys. :lol:

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