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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bigger curve...lower flex?

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i recently broke a pro stock easton darby sl that was unmarked in flex. stick was pretty nice, but almost impossible to find. i have been using a lidstrom curve (i know, not similar at all, but has performed better for me) and i handle the puck well etc., the only problem ive been having is with shooting. the darby stick was unmarked in flex but felt very similar to the amount of flex on my buddy's ultra light grip 100. before i switched to the darby i had some good success with a vapor xxx shaft/lidstom synth blade combo in a 102 flex which felt much whippier (probably due to the taper). my question is, is it possible that when i use a bigger curve, i should also use a shaft with a little more flex?

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For most people on a "normal" wrist shot:

bigger curve will raise the puck faster than a smaller curve with the same amount of loft

more flex (more whip) will raise the puck more than a stiffer flex

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