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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Floyd Landis Stripped of TDF Champion title

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Thats good. Im a die hard TDF fan and i think stuff like this (tho its some hardcore version) is a way to show that they are going serious. I like the new way of 'transparent' working.

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the 2-1 vote was expected the LNDD lab has major flaws, they threw out the easier to perform test in their verdict but thought it safe to base off of the much more technical ICMS protocol..

that being said, Floyd is a hell of a guy who despite being in limbo prior to this predicted verdict, took time to really reach out to someone from our group (work) that went through a devastating hip injury and was facing many of the same issues floyd went through himself....the guy's life is in disarray for what was likely a trace amount of t:e in a bag of blood he put back into his body on a rest day from earlier in the year

that being said..the sponsors that stay in will have to take the route of CSC/Slipstream etc....

of course..while floyd will get all the attention for this in the media..when you turn on the TV and see the new Nike commercial by Michael Mann, it stars a drug cheat (Shawn Merriman) how nice would it be if cycling had 4 race suspensions...imagine if Merriman had received 2 years for his offense....because in the end...maybe 0.01% of all positive tests are from ignorance...most cyclists, football players, soccer players (who comprise most of the list from the Operation Puerto investigation that has ripped cycling to its core the past 2 years but you haven't heard zip) are on something that is very grey or illegal...

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