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S9 shoulder pads

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I've been suffering from some shoulder pain and was thinking about upgrading to a higher level shoulder pad. The S9s look fairly low profile and should be plenty protective, and I love my S9 shins, but I am wondering where the removable belly pad begins and ends - I just can't tell from the pictures on the Easton or Epuck websites. I don't need the belly protection, and really only need minimal padding below the shoulders. Does anyone have or know of any pictures of this pad without the belly pad ? Anyone have experiences with this pad ?

I'd prefer to get something as protective in the shoulders as possible while still remaining light and low profile, and these look like they might be it, if the belly pad isn't too big. None of the LHSes that I frequent seem to stock the shoulder pads, though they do have the elbows and shins.

I know that some people might recommend 5030s, or the Itech SP50 but I am assuming something like the S9s would offer much more shoulder protection.

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He already said that his LHS didn't carry them. I have some in my shop, I may be able to snap a pic Monday. Until then see page 42 of the easton catalogue below.


I would be very grateful if you could find the time to snap a picture. The photo in the catalog seems to be the same one on the Easton website; it really isn't clear what part of the pad is removable. Is the section with the adjustable wrap-around part (near the bottom of the rib cage area) part of the belly pad ? It looks like it's fixed, but you just can't tell.

Where is your shop ?

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Most pads sit a tad above your belly button, IIRC, when the belly pad is removed. Only way to tell for sure is to visit your LHS.

He already said that his LHS didn't carry them. I have some in my shop, I may be able to snap a pic Monday. Until then see page 42 of the easton catalogue below.


I guess that's what I get for skimming again. Thanks for pointing that out, Brandon.

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The top frontal flap pad on the front of your hockey pants should come up to about your belly button level or slightly higher. The S-9's should cover down to there in fact you might get a little overlap. In retrospect you should get adequate protection if your pants are the proper size and you have them on at the right height. My belly pad on my shoulder pads slightly overlap my front flap pad on my S-5 pants and I have no gap at all.

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The removal part is that black belly bad (its a set of 6 segmented pads) kinda under the wrap around velcro tabs. when u remove it, the 3 black segments between the velcro straps are still there. you can see the ridge there. I had more issues w/ the floating spine protector in the back (I used to have the S5 shoulders), that thing would always mess w/ the spine protection that sticks up in the back of my pants.

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hapamatt - what did you think of the S5s ? I take it you are no longer in the S5s; what made you give them up ? My current pants don't have a spine protector so I don't think that would be a problem for me.

Now that I look at those on the Easton website, they look to be nearly identical to the S9 - it even says "similar features and benefits as found on the Stealth S9". The only differences, it seems, are the Biodri liner and ventilation in the chest and back. Are there any other important differences ?

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Sorry it took so long, I didn't forget. just a long 13 hour day in the shop. And as promised...

The S9 Front:


And the back:


I also have the same pics of the S5 pad if you want those. The coverage is about the same however the padding on the S9 is better constructed and more protective. The BioDri liner is nice as well. Both have the adjustable bicep pads.

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the S5 was a nice pad but my jersey always gets stuck on that spine protector. I had been wearing size medium pads and realized that was a bit too big for me. Now I'm wearing one90 shouldies and I like them better... just personal preference though. I like the shape of the bauer caps and it feels to be a bit more mobile. but again, thats just my personal preference. If you're just thinking about getting the S5's over the S9's, I think you'll be safe.

edit: also in the price range of the s9, you can try the synergy 700, my buddy has them and he likes them a lot, if your lhs has those, I suggest trying them on as well.. and, the supremes are good too since you're looking for lightweight, low profile.

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i have the s9's also. i like them but they aren't quite as low profile as i thought from the pics, but the protection is good and the maneuverability is great. yeah, the spine protector sucks. it is difficult to get your jersey on over it unless you have an oversized jersey. in the summertime the rinks here are pretty warm so i don't wear any undershirts. the s9 irritates me near both of my nipples. its a small 'scratchy' area. it is kind of annoying at first but during the game i don't notice it. i have also noticed that these areas are getting worn down on my undershirts when i wear the s9 pads with them. perhaps it can be fixed easily, i haven't really looked at it.

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i noticed the same thing on my undershirt aswell although a bit lower down but higher on the belly. ive got 2 playing card size marks one on each side mirroring each other. maybe its the edge of where the belly pad attaches? awesome body armour tho. its alot lower profile than i used to use so i love them, love the maneuverability on them. the spine protector is just an art, i put my jersey on with one arm a bit b4 the other now so i can use it to guide it over the top

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Thanks guys for the info, and especially lb33knight for taking the time to snap and post the pics.

I see now that the belly pad is pretty small; I was hoping it would be bigger (because I was hoping to shed as much extra padding as possible). Without the belly pad, the side wrap-around portions with the velcro tabs look a little bulky. Is that just an artifact of the material lying flat ? Does anyone find them bulky ?

If you're just thinking about getting the S5's over the S9's, I think you'll be safe.

Since the S9s and S5s look fairly similar in overall design, I would buy the S9s, if only because I sweat like a pig and think I could really benefit from the extra ventilation and Biodri lining.

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