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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS pink stick

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Im looking to get a R8. I see that there is the regular stock one and the Pink stick one. I see on the pink one there is a breast cancer ribon. My mother had breast cancer and she surrived it. Since the pink stick R8 is more expensive than the regular R8 dose any of the pink stick money go to breast cancer research or is this just marketing

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I thought that the pink are only available to the pro's on a certain night , or time period and then they sign them and auction them off and give all of the proceed's to the breast cancer funds.

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No, I think they just dedicate an entire page on their website just to make people think that... :rolleyes:

Just smartassing to show that by doing a simple check of TPS Hockey's website, the answer is found.

The site doesn't actually seem to say a word about proceeds from retail pink sticks.

EDIT: OK, after some digging around - Sticks are also available for sale at retail outlets with 5% of the proceeds donated to the Canadian Cancer Society by TPS for every stick sold.

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No, I think they just dedicate an entire page on their website just to make people think that... :rolleyes:

Just smartassing to show that by doing a simple check of TPS Hockey's website, the answer is found.

The site doesn't actually seem to say a word about proceeds from retail pink sticks.

Nope, but the auctions do when they are posted.

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