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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good NHL Agent Read

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If you want to read a story about a bad-ass NHL agent, read up on Paul Theofanous.

ESPN wrote an article on him. He was in Special Forces, then became an agent, however was called into duty right after 9/11. If you read the article, he's had to apply some of the stuff he learned in the Army when it came to getting players out of Russia and Eastern Europe.

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Even though its long, I thought this article was really interesting. Its about Mike Gillis, whose clients include Holik, Richter, and Amonte, and how the signings of each went down in the summer of '02.


I have the book MoneyPlayers. The excerpt comes from the first chapter of the book.

If you liked it, I stongly recommend it for all those who want to know more about the current problems between the NHLPA and the owners.

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