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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kor Shift 1- Will my heel sit back a bit more once they're baked?

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I currently have two pairs of shift 1's at my place (thanks to Kor for doing this, they have been great). First off, my right foot is almost a full size smaller than my left. When I lace up the 8.5, I can't feather the toe cap with my larger foot, even when flat footed. This means my smaller foot is even farther from the cap; not good. When I put on the 8, my toes are touching the cap on my bigger foot, but not my smaller. When I bend my knees, my big foot is just barely feathering the cap. It seems as if maybe a 7.25 would be perfect. Anyway, I was wondering if the skate will "open up" length ways at all after I bake it. I really don't want to go with the 8.5 and then have it get even bigger after baking... Any thoughts from those who own/sell this model?


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go with the 8's, they have the nice neoprene toe cap so that will eliminate the slight discomfort of touching the toe cap, and they will allow your heel to come back a bit more for a nice secure fit.

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Not sure I understand... I just read the instructions from Dave again, and I didn't see anythings indicating whether heating causes one's heel to sit back further.

go with the 8's, they have the nice neoprene toe cap so that will eliminate the slight discomfort of touching the toe cap, and they will allow your heel to come back a bit more for a nice secure fit.

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