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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Roller pants for ice

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i love seeing the trendy guys who give me funny looks when i wear my inline pants to an ice drop in...as if they know i suck because of my pants. the look on their face when i school them is priceless.

Same here. I wear my womens field hockey gear to drop in and I can hear those abercrombie pricks talking about me. :rolleyes:

Heaven forbid we wear the correct gear for the corresponding sport.. we're too elite for that.


Are those real Nikes or Bauers just done up to LOOK like Nike's????? ;)

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Heaven forbid we wear the correct gear for the corresponding sport.. we're too elite for that.

has nothing to do with elitism. i already explained why i sometimes wear inline pants to dropins: don't need as much protection during drop in and the rinks are hot in the summer. for me, the inline pants ARE the correct gear.

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I rock the old-school cateye cage, with my 30+ year old Saf-T-Gard chin protector. I catch tons of chit for it, but I don't care. I get decent protection and great vision, and no fogging or scratching.

I also wear an old Easton roller girdle for ice, but I at least have the common decency to wear a shell over it and use real hockey socks. ;)

Lots of guys in my beer league that wear sweats over a girle or sweats under pants. Some guys just wear sweats with shins, and no padding above the knees. That's just crazy!

This is weird, because the other day I was cleaning the garage and found my old roller pants, and considered using them for ice. Then I remembered seeing other guys doing it, and I just don't like the look.

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I actually jock catseye cages. I rocked one for a season or so, but I just wanted a bit more protection.

Dudes around this area who rock roller pants for ice are usually pretty decent hockey players.

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count me in as somebody who wears a cooperall girdle (got it from a dumpster behind a play-it-again sports) and jogging pants. i had a pair of pro-stock tackla pants from the st. louis blues and while they offered a lot of protection, they weighed about a zillion pounds. i'm not playing check hockey anymore and i dig the freedom of movement and light weight of the girdle + jogging pants. plus jogging pants are cheap. yes, i use laces to tie my shin guards in place, too.

for a while, i wore surgeon's scrubs in place of hockey socks. those were great cause they weigh next to nothing.

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"I love it when roller players wear their pants to ice time. Its like a big red sign that says "I cant stop" is strapped around their neck"

Well I was going to disagree with you, but when I started skating Ice, this was infact true. I learned to play hockey driving 130 miles one way from Camp Lejune to Ft Bragg to skate Roller. When I got home (New Hampshire) I played Ice, because well, ther is a lot more of that around here, and trying to skate roller in august is like playing in a baked potato.

However I have never had anyone give me crap about wearing roller pants, Not that it would matter if they did. If they were really heart broken about it, they can buy me some pants and socks. Or they can Piss off, and If someone wants to give me 'extra attention' because of them, well I guess I could show them the other things I learned at Camp Lejune.

But seriously who cares? I ain't making you wear them. They are comfortable though, and this way I don't need anything differn't when I coach, (Because I like to wear my shins coaching)

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For everything but league games, I just a wear a pair of black pants. I guess they are warm up pants. I used to wear sweats, but they get cut up really easy. I've had the pants for 3 years now and they are going strong.

I don't wear breezers normally, just an inline girdle, so this is quicker and easier.

The league I play in is picky so I had a shell for over my inline girdle for last year, but I'm trying out breezers this year. Damn things are hot. That plus the knit socks and how warm they keep the rinks around here is enough to get me warmed up just tying my skates.

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I wear roller pants exclusively when playing. My reason is simple, I have had reconstructive knee surgery on both legs, and the braces my doctor wants me to wear got bound up in my hockey socks. Since then I just throw on the roller pants, and gridle, and I am good to go. As an added benefit they are lighter, and cooler. I hope people look at me like I am not going to be able to stop, that would just be an added benefit.


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