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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A great Whippy flex

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I have both a TPS R2 and a Warrior Dolomite shaft in whip and 75 flex respectively.

The R2 has gotten whippier (not a big difference but enough to feel) while the dolomite so far is a tad stiffer (that could be because i have used it for only 8 months).

Both would be good choices but I would go on the R2 because it seems to balance better when paired with blades.

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yeah...like everyone else said...TPS whip or Warrior 75. I thought that the TPS Whip was alot whippier than the Warrior, and a nice one also is the Nike-Bauer 77 senior flex.

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I just bought a TPS Adrenaline whip in sundin curve. Lets hope its awesome! Im excited to get it. I can barely flex an inno 1100 300 flex stick so I hope this will be much easier to flex =)

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ccm/rbk does a mid flex (75 flex) - the nice thing about this stick is that it is shorter than any other companies 75 or whip flex sticks. it has a slightly narrower shaft. its pretty much the stiffest and tallest intermedate stick out there. its definetely unique, no other company offers this flex/height of shaft

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