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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speed Demon

Paypal and Bidder Protection

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I recently won a TPS XN10 Brendl Curve with whip flex off Ebay for $66.00 USD and $10.00 USD for shipping . There was no picture available and shipping insurance was also unavailable. I am going to pay for this item, however I have asked him to send me an email on how much shipping to Canada is and he has never answered any of myprevious emails so I am going to just send him the $10.00 USD for shipping the stick to Canada.

My question is simply this, lets say that I do pay him all $76.00 through paypal and I do not get the stick, I will simply be able to get the money back through bidder protection, correct?


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They can charge a servce fee, I forget how much. Check the ebay & paypal bidder protection policies. I had an auction go bad for $50, I filed a complaint with paypal & ebay. I eventually got all my money back through paypal. Just keep in mind that you have to file your complaint through paypal within 30 days of the auctions end date. Hope that helps....

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You may not always get A refund. I am fighting that now. I used paypal, but the person most have canceled the checking and credit card accounts. So there is no where for pay pal to get the money back. Ebay will get your money back for a $25.00 fee. So really buyer-be-were. I have bought alot of stuff from ebay. This is the first time I had trouble.

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