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A job that slowly kills you:

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  BK said:

From the title I thought this thread was about radiohead. Speaking of which, I just downloaded their new album and am 3 tracks deep into it.. Good stuff.

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Well, I did use a Radiohead lyric. :)

"In Rainbows" has been amazing so far. I feel bad for downloading it for free though. I should throw them a buck or two.

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You know your job's bad when you have to post on a hockey forum for advice. Just keep your eyes open for something else you'd be interested in, and take it. Perhaps you can ask one of your college buddies here they work and try to get in with them, so you'd at least know somebody.

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  sabre09923 said:

You know your job's bad when you have to post on a hockey forum for advice. Just keep your eyes open for something else you'd be interested in, and take it. Perhaps you can ask one of your college buddies here they work and try to get in with them, so you'd at least know somebody.

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I asked here for several reasons:

1. The guys here tend to be blunt and don't glaze (sweeten) shit.

2. This is one of the only forums I use.

3. I had a feeling a few of us might understand my position.

Thank you for your advice everyone.

I am most probably walking away from that bullshit.

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  Nutella said:

Guys, advice, please,

I work for this finance company. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday I go and work 10 hour shifts. The thing is:

1. I hate all of my coworkers (save about 3). They're conniving. They reported a girl anonymously to HR for wearing flip-flops on casual weekend. Always at each others back looking for a chance to screw each other over.

2. The dealings of the company are rather shady.

3. It literally is slowly killing me inside. It's depressing, drab, and boring.

4. As shallow as this is: everyone there is paunchy and depressing.. I can't be around that.

5. 90% of the dealers I have to deal with (contracts) are complete asshats and I'm helping them.


Since I am trilingual, they decided that they would pay me quite well. I am making more than.. a lot of adults (and this is just my temp. college job).

What would you guys do? I've been sticking with it because it pays so well, but every time I go to work I feel like puking for the entire shift. I know that work is supposed to suck, but this is on an entirely different level.

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Im in a somewhat similar place. I work in a grocery store moneys shit (8.30 an hr) customers bother me, bosses are all retards. I just stay to get a pay check every week. There was a while when I just wanted to quit but stick it out because theres a couple people I like to work with so I stick it out. But you cant stay at a job solely for the money, you'll never be happy that way.

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  Nutella said:

I asked here for several reasons:

1. The guys here tend to be blunt and don't glaze (sweeten) shit.

2. This is one of the only forums I use.

3. I had a feeling a few of us might understand my position.

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No, I know that the guys here would give good advice, but the mere fact that you're having doubts about your job is a sign that you should leave, that's all.

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I'm 19, and a freshman at the local college here. I've been working at TGIFriday's doing whatever since I was 17. The hourly pay is shit, but I make tips on top it. I personally dread everyday I have to go there because the politics of working there is bullshit. I figure though, it's money and easy work and for long enough to work there during college until I can maybe get a paid internship or another job I'm happy with I stick it out.

I have personally quit another restaurant job in the past because it was a total hell hole and all around stressful place to work. Let me tell you, once you get out of it you get a whole new perspective on how happy you really can be. I got paid more at that place than I do now but trust me, even though working at my current job is no "dream job" it's loads better and the fact is I do get paid less to be happier.

I guess my view on everything is sometimes money is important and you have to put up with whatever to support yourself and whatever else in your life. But at your current age and position in life, I would seriously agree with those who say find something else. I too look for something new everyday and I've even had offers for other jobs, it's just you have to ultimately be the one to decide whether or not the money makes you happier, or taking another job for maybe less pay but a different atmosphere will make you happier.

In the end, I personally found less pay; different atmosphere was the better choice. It's all up to you, all we can do is give advice and try to help you along.

Good luck with your decision and sorry for the long post.

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  D-MaN88 said:

I'm 19, and a freshman at the local college here. I've been working at TGIFriday's doing whatever since I was 17. The hourly pay is shit, but I make tips on top it. I personally dread everyday I have to go there because the politics of working there is bullshit. I figure though, it's money and easy work and for long enough to work there during college until I can maybe get a paid internship or another job I'm happy with I stick it out.

I have personally quit another restaurant job in the past because it was a total hell hole and all around stressful place to work. Let me tell you, once you get out of it you get a whole new perspective on how happy you really can be. I got paid more at that place than I do now but trust me, even though working at my current job is no "dream job" it's loads better and the fact is I do get paid less to be happier.

I guess my view on everything is sometimes money is important and you have to put up with whatever to support yourself and whatever else in your life. But at your current age and position in life, I would seriously agree with those who say find something else. I too look for something new everyday and I've even had offers for other jobs, it's just you have to ultimately be the one to decide whether or not the money makes you happier, or taking another job for maybe less pay but a different atmosphere will make you happier.

In the end, I personally found less pay; different atmosphere was the better choice. It's all up to you, all we can do is give advice and try to help you along.

Good luck with your decision and sorry for the long post.

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No, thank you for the long post. I worked in the service industry in high school as well. I know the total hell it is (but I liked it more than my current job). The advice I've been given here is amazing.

I was offered a job at Scheel's in May to help out with the hockey department for the season. I turned it down, since it was seasonal.. but now I'm regretting it.

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