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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxxx skates baking

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This is helpful - thanks

Hi FG,

I decided not to go with the 8.5 but got a size 9 instead in the vapor xxxx skates, it has a little more space that I am used to have compared to a size 9.5 in the vapor xxx. I think if I had punched out the ankle padding alot, it might have made a difference, but I didn't risk it and resold the skates on ebay. If the pressure is bareable stay with the 8.5, but if your foot is longer than 2 mm when standing on the footbed, the skates will be too small in my opinion, even after breakin. In a size 9D only my longest toe (the one after the big toe) feathers the toe cap.

If your toes are only feathering (not curled when standing straight in them) the skates are the ideal size. When bending both knees the toes should not touch the caps or barely touch them. More info here:


Hope this helps


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