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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shaving blade tenons

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Can this be done with a graphite/composite blade? Seems like it would work if you were careful, and as long as the tenon isn't hollow. Has anyone tried?

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A buddy of mine tried it and it snapped the tenon off in the shaft. Then again he has a better than average shot.

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i've done it to an inno blade and an easton. i used a sanding drum on a dremel and went really slow. as long as you shave each side the same amount and evenly they can last. make sure you have a square lip to rest up against the shaft lip. if you don't they'll snap faster.

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i've done it to a few of my blades

it really depends on which blade

don't do it to the easton composites, they have a foam core (as i found out when it cracked on me)

the v60 exploded on my 2nd shot

shaving it seems to take a little durability off. i'd advise not to.

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