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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Mission protective

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I searched and couldent find anything so I'll ask. Has anyone used any of the new Mission protective equipment. Specifially the M1 shoulder pad. My Itech Tech Lite doesnt fit real well anymore and I never really liked it to begin with. Just trying to figure out which to get. I have a smaller build if that helps any.

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I used it for one season of Ice in high school.I personally dont like it at all. It's chest radius is smaller than alot of pads. The padding itself is also pretty thin.I took some shots to the side/rib area and took them 100% of the force.Not Fun. My personal preference is a bulky pad since I have a large upper body and love to throw checks, but alot of others here seem to like thinness...so I guess It's personal preference. I give em a thumbs down however.

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So...let me get this straight.

You used the M-1 for an entire season of high school, yet the pad came out when most high schools have let out for the summer?

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Shrug....almost 100% sure, I know for a fact I used a Mission shoulder pad...because in the locker room everyone told me to go back to Roller Hockey :(....I dont have the pad anymore to give 100% verification(I gave it to my friends brother after I bought some Jofa)...is the M-1 the only REAL senior model shoulder pad? I KNOW I used Mission...

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Ugh...I reallyyyy reallllyyy want to say its the M-1 pad...I know it was mostly white I cant exactly remember the secondary color...if it was blue or black..I know the shape of the pad was very narrow " )( " so it left alot of my chest/rib exposed....ugh....now I've confused myself...I've gone through so much equiptment over the past 9 month, I cant remember anything....

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