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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CH Goalie 39

Eagle Sentry

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Hey guys. Well im new here but i've been reading the posts and i see the feeedback is pretty good, so i hope you can help. I noticed a while ago not many NHL goalies use Eagle. Any reason? Are they good pads? There is a great sale on Goaliemonkey.com for the Eagle Sentrys ($499). I just bought the new TPS Xceed II gloves, and they are great. But i hear that the pads aren't as good as the gloves, so i wondering if i should buy the pads or the eagle pads. Help??? And if anyone has pics of the backs of either of the pads, that would also be appreciated!!!

Here are the pics of my new gloves if anyone cares... lol.






Hope you like it.

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Don't let the number, or lack thereof, of NHL goalies that use a particular pad. The number of factors that contribute to a goalie using a specific pad can boggle the mind, not the least of which is the money that is offered.


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A goalie friend of mine has been using the Sentrys for a year or so. He plays for a couple teams at the Junior "A" level around here, as well as 2-3 pick up games a week. From the way he's been talkin about them, they haven't been that great. He says the fit is really good, and it didn't take long to get used to, but he's been having a lot of issues with the material ripping near the bottom part of the pad. He's had them stitched up numerous times, but I don't know what he's tried to do in terms of a replacement/return or whatever. I think he's moving into a set of Brian's soon though.

Not exactly "first hand" experience, haha...but it's the best I could do.

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