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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS shaft lengths: R6 and R8 armor

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Can anybody confirm for me the correct length of the R6 and the R8 armor shafts?

On the TPS hockey website, it says the R6 and R8 are both 55'' long.

On the TPS catalogue (.pdf available on TPS's website) it says the R6 is 51'' and the R8 is 55''.


Which of these lenghts is correct for the R6? 51 or 55?

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Can anybody confirm for me the correct length of the R6 and the R8 armor shafts?

On the TPS hockey website, it says the R6 and R8 are both 55'' long.

On the TPS catalogue (.pdf available on TPS's website) it says the R6 is 51'' and the R8 is 55''.


Which of these lenghts is correct for the R6? 51 or 55?

The R6 is 51 inches long and uses standard blades.

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I just came back from National Sports with a new orange TPS R6 Armor OPS, Perry curve in Whip flex, I know little about this stick, anyone can share some details? :)

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