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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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so im playing college club hockey. first time playing checking. can anyone tell me exactly how im supposed to hit someone. sometimes i see people hitting others and they push out with their hands...it almost looks like they are just pushing them over. is that allowed? also i see some guys do this...for example lets say a wing is skating up the boards with the puck...then the D guy comes near him so the winger chips the puck up the boards, the D guy kind of pushes him into the boards and blocks him. so i guess thats okay to do? its not interference or anything?

anyways im a small guy and pretty timid out there so i doubt ill actually try and hit anybody but maybe you can describe some situations where i would want to? i guess anytime i can to knock the player off the puck?

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you should try to lead with your shoulder. high hands can lead to penalties sometimes (like a high stick or cross check)

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I thought he was asking about a full check.

on D you shouldn't be going for a full check while skating backwards, because if you miss, you are completely out of the play.

It is ok to put you're hands on a guy, just don't take him down. if you want to push him a little to knock him off the puck, thats fine too

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yeah you're right.

anyways, evor1:

as you're just starting out, remember to focus on the puck. when you hit a guy, make sure it is so you or a teammate can get the puck. don't go out of your way to lay a guy out, just play the puck and you should be fine. you'll learn what is legal, and what is illegal pretty quickly. the best way to learn is on the ice.

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Also if its your first time playing full check this thread could go both ways. Watch yourself keep your head up you don't want to get rocked out there in the open ice. I used to play college club up untill this year (my school desided to cut the team) and I have seen some nasty hits and guys actully getting knocked out because they were watching the puck and then they get rocked. So becareful.

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Also if its your first time playing full check this thread could go both ways. Watch yourself keep your head up you don't want to get rocked out there in the open ice. I used to play college club up untill this year (my school desided to cut the team) and I have seen some nasty hits and guys actully getting knocked out because they were watching the puck and then they get rocked. So becareful.

Keep your head up and knees bent. If someone is going to try and check you, keep skating. If you keep skating it will be a lot harder for them to hit you, if you don't you should be an easy target that is losing momentum.

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