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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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paypal help

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i was hoping maybe someone on here for help me. i send someone some money twice by mistake. one payment went through the other didnt. is there a way to can the second payment? and also, i dont have a credit card, i just use my bank account hooked to the net. and it takes like 7 days to get the money transfered, is there a way to speed it up

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You need the seller to refund you...I had that happen before, and I wasted my time cause I was stuck on hold and all they said after I got thru was was to contact the seller.

Idk how your getting the money transfered cause I've used my bank account before and it instantly withdraws money from it. Maybe you need to be a verified member? I do know it takes time to clear sometimes if your using e-checks with your bank.

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I'm confused. If one payment went through, but the other didn't, wouldn't the money that didn't go through sit in your bank account?

Are you concerned that's scheduled to go through? If so, I believe you have the ability to cancel a payment. If not, he has the ability to refund your payment. If your second payment is scheduled to go through, he's aware of it, because he would have been notified by PayPal. I don't recall whether he can stop it, but if you send him a note of explanation, he should be prepared to submit a refund.

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