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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wooden bladed

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I just got some P106 Bauer wooden blades and their great for everything, except slap shots. When I take one the toe bends back a little and the shot goes to the left of where I aim it. Anyone know of anything I can do to make this stop or should I just order some composite blades?

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Either the blades are broken/soft (possible - wood blades break-down quickly) or you're taking your slapper too close to the toe. I'm betting on the latter of the two.

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aim right, or adjust your swing. If it's consistently left, than you should be able to get used to it, especially if you like everything else about the blade.

assuming your left handed, you could try to shoot more off the heel where the blade is stronger, which would reduce the blade twist.

Either the blades are broken/soft (possible - wood blades break-down quickly) or you're taking your slapper too close to the toe. I'm betting on the latter of the two.

ah, beat me to it

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