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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-wood RM19 Coffey stock pattern

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Lads (and Lasses),

If, by the grace of the Hockey Gods, anyone spots a Sherwood RM19 OPS in a Coffey stock pattern, Sr. Left, 75 Flex with reg grip at their LHS, please let me know here.

The 85 Flex stick I found at Pure Hockey -- thanx to AnthonyJTa! -- would end up being way like a 110+ Flex after I chop it down.

Hope it's kosher to post this request here....:)

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I'm still looking for this stick. Hockey Galore now sells the RM19 Coffey as a stock pattern available as a non-SOP, but it's $250 (and only available in the 85 flex and 95).

After using a RM19 75 Flex in the Stastny pattern (Coffey Pro), I have to say this is an excellent stick IMO. But the blade is too small and short, and I think I would actually be better off with an 85 Flex even though I am cutting an additional 3 inches off the shaft (these sticks are 63" long).

So, has anyone seen one of these at their LHS or online, other than Hockey Galore?

Thanks for your help everyone. I am close to getting "the perfect stick" for me, but I can't afford or justify droping $250 on a single stick.

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Now that the RM19s have been released to retailers, has anyone spotted one at their LHS or online (other than hockeygalore and HG)?

Specs I'm looking for:

RM19 Coffey Left, 85 Flex Grip, Blue (small shaft)


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Flyer you want me to check back with Hat Trick again for the Statsny?

I bought their last one in January, and they said they wouldn't be getting any more in. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to double check. Thanks for the offer!

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Flyer you want me to check back with Hat Trick again for the Statsny?

I bought their last one in January, and they said they wouldn't be getting any more in. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to double check. Thanks for the offer!

No problem, I've got a game over there tonight, so I'll try and pop in a bit early.

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No luck, although they had some RM19 tapered Statsny blades on clearance if you're interested, $35 a pop.

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Lads (and Lasses),

If, by the grace of the Hockey Gods, anyone spots a Sherwood RM19 OPS in a Coffey stock pattern, Sr. Left, 75 Flex with reg grip at their LHS, please let me know here.

The 85 Flex stick I found at Pure Hockey -- thanx to AnthonyJTa! -- would end up being way like a 110+ Flex after I chop it down.

Hope it's kosher to post this request here....:)

SWD has a new custom rack promo thru some dealers. You should be able to find someone who can do up that exact stick with your name on it. Call Lorrie at Majer Hockey in Toronto and he can get it made up and shipped down to you within a couple of weeks.... 416-736-7444.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks so much. Already got a hook-up through a MSH member. I just ordered the stick and should have it in a couple of weeks.

It's a good thing because I just snapped my RM19 Stastny this weekend at a tourney, which I had grown incredibly attached to. I've definitely found my perfect stick for sure. Best stick I've ever used to date.

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