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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How is stick length measured?

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How is the length of a stick measured by stick companies? ie. From what point to the top of the shaft? I've duduced it's from the bottom of the hosel where the heel of the blade begins. Is this right?

Also, what is the standard length of an Easton Synergy? I have a new Synergy ST (100 Flex Heat), and using the method above, it measures 60". The new Sherwood RM19 is listed at 63", but again, I don't know how they are measuring to get this number.

I've searched and searched but did not see this thread anywhere. My bad if it's been covered.....

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that's a personal question.


Perhaps I was not clear enough...

When a company like Sherwood lists the RM19 as 63" in length, how does it come up with this measurement? From what part of the shaft/blade do they measure?

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The correct way to measure is from the heel of the blade to the end of the shaft.


So the standard length of Senior Easton Synergies is 60", right?

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that's a personal question.


Perhaps I was not clear enough...

When a company like Sherwood lists the RM19 as 63" in length, how does it come up with this measurement? From what part of the shaft/blade do they measure?

it was a joke. ;)

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The correct way to measure is from the heel of the blade to the end of the shaft.


So the standard length of Senior Easton Synergies is 60", right?

sounds about right. 60" is about standard.

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