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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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miller for toskala

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Buffalo has two of their defensemen out for a while and should improve at some point. Toronto has McCabe, Gill and Kubina. Toskala has competition for the number one job, Miller doesn't.

What stats do they keep on goalies in that league?

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millers play has been inconsistant lately (part of which might have to do with the recent death of his cousin), so expect it to improve and his numbers to go up.

On the other hand, buffalos style of play leads to alot of games being high scoring for both teams.

I don't know much about Toskala's stats, but he isn't set in stone as the number 1, has been pretty bad since he came to toronto, and has a bad team playing in front of him.

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