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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What kinda visors you guys use?

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im still under 18, so i only wear a halfy for reffing and whenever i know my parents wont see me... :P

when i do though i use an Itech HS22 Small, and let me tell you its the best 49.99 i've ever spent. i literally forget im wearing it, it never fogs up and it protects my eyes...

if you feel like putting out a good amount of $$ for it its totally worth it.

and for everyone else...my LHS guy just said a trick is to use a soft towel and Windex whenever i need it cleaned.

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when i do though i use an Itech HS22 Small,...

Never even heard of an HS22 small. Straight, Aviator and Wave, but not small.

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when i do though i use an Itech HS22 Small,...

Never even heard of an HS22 small. Straight, Aviator and Wave, but not small.

thats right...i stand corrected...i mixed myself up with the Oakley Straight Small..

ok well its the HS22 Straight Cut

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