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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing ops blade

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i broke a gear c-4 last nite and i've been trying to take out the blade. if anyone has done this yet, please tell me how b/c that thing just refuses to come out. also note that i've done this before on an xn10 and a tri flex.

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take a long metal rod and put it in the other end......band and bang (hard) it may take a little while but itll come out....u mean the blade broke right?

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I did a search but couldn't find the old info on this (it may have been at CB that I saw it)...

What about a Vector OPS?

What is the cutting point, again, for a Vector 110 OPS?

Would it just be better to cut the blade off and flip it over?

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I did a search but couldn't find the old info on this (it may have been at CB that I saw it)...

What about a Vector OPS?

What is the cutting point, again, for a Vector 110 OPS?

Would it just be better to cut the blade off and flip it over?

I'm not certain on the construction of the vector, but if it has any kind of a kickpoint built into the bottom of the shaft, then you're going to lose that flipping it around.

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the shaft of the vector isnt tapered so that shouldnt be a big problem...i just broke the blade on my 1100 ops tho and i wanna use the shaft, what do i do to get the blade off/out at the right place...i havent done this yet cuz i usually stay away from ops. i kno i sound retarded everybody else here must have done this a million times but i cut the blade off my m-1 a couple weeks ago after i snapped the shaft and there was some junk inside the shaft like the foam and another piece of graphite sorta in the middle, i cut there becuase i saw the fusepoint and it lined up where a synthesis blade would. should i have cut higher or should i come in from the other side and push it out with something, or is that even possible?

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I cut my Vector at the bottom C as the nameplate is facing you, I'd cut a about 5" lower and cut inch by inch up though to try and keep as much length as possible, I had problems because of the poor inner construction, but others haven't. The length it may last is a myserty because very feww people make tapered shafts out of Vectors, the inner walls are very sloppy.

Tap the 1100 with a piece of metal, then where it sounds hollow. Try and get as close to the non-hollow sound as possible. You will lose a bit of the taper, but its quicker easier and doesn't effect the performance alot.If your that concerned cut where the blade seems fade into the shaft and then chisel the inside out. Others have said the blades are removable by ALOT of Heat.

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