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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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limeiwre to itunes mistake

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My limewire was getting pretty full around 500 songs, so I usually put them in itunes. On my computer at home my bro usually did this for me, but now I am in college and I moved all my songs over by putting them into a all music folder I created. Well today I didn't want to mix the songs up, so I made a seperate folder. I put my 500 limewire songs in that folder, then dragged them into itunes. After that dragged those songs in that folder into my all music folder, and deleted the empty folder the songs were once in. I go to play the songs in limewire and it says "could not locate file, do you want to locate it" all of those songs are in my all music folder but wont play in limewire, and I dont have time to click and find every single one. What can I do to get all my songs playing in itunes. Also what is the easiest way to transfer songs from limwire to a folder into itunes? Any help would be great, thanks.

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happened to me too. Not sure how to fix it. I haven't tried because it doesn't cause a problem for m when I put the music on my ipod. the only problem is playback in itunes.

to fix future problems, just set up limewire to download to the itunes folder, and not the "shared" one.

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dont steal music, just download it via itunes and it's all in there for you.

if you dragged the songs into itunes, why dont you just hit play. its a button in the upper left hand corner. looks like a triangle pointing to the right.

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dont steal music, just download it via itunes and it's all in there for you.

if you dragged the songs into itunes, why dont you just hit play. its a button in the upper left hand corner. looks like a triangle pointing to the right.

Agreed. Though, I prefer buying CD's and importing them to the computer. That way, if your computer goes kaput, you can still preserve your music collection... And in case you want to ditch the Apple camp and not use AAC, you can always rip in VBR MP3 or just re-rip your entire collection altogether.

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Just redirect the playlist to the new files location... the new folder its in....

so if it was something like c:/mydocs/LW/itunes

switch the folder to something like c:/itunes/allmusic

I made those up for reference, so don't go looking for them ;-)

I don't have iTunes but it is looking in the old location for your songs, just tell it where to look and you should be good.

I haven't fooled around with MP3s since a dog peed on my PC and killed it with over 3K songs.... none of which were downloaded illegally.

Anyway I believe at the time WinAmp created a playlist, which looked for a location for the songs, so you take a song out it would corrupt the playlist.

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this works directly from limewire,

first, go to library

next, click explore

next, right click the file and press send to-itunes

thats it, but its smarter to just buy them, although limewire is perfectly legal

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Wow, when did LimeWire require intelligence to operate it? I used it about 3 years ago and all I would do is pull the music from the d/l folder into whatever music folder I wanted to. I didn't realise it now required thinking to run.

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Agreed. Though, I prefer buying CD's and importing them to the computer. That way, if your computer goes kaput, you can still preserve your music collection... And in case you want to ditch the Apple camp and not use AAC, you can always rip in VBR MP3 or just re-rip your entire collection altogether.

true that, that's what i do. VBR ftw.

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I can't remember what I didn't like about VBR, whether it was larger files than 160 mhz or lesser sound quality than 160 mhz, but i found I liked recording at a constant bit rate.

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this has also happened to me but the songs should work fine on your ipod, just not in itunes. I dont think that they will work on your computer unless you go in and find all the songs on limewire and save them again.

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You changed the file path of the songs in itunes. Once you move a song into a different folder you will have to send it to itunes again.

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You changed the file path of the songs in itunes. Once you move a song into a different folder you will have to send it to itunes again.

I found all of the sources seperatly which sucked. Anyways will this work from now on. if I enqueue all of my songs in limewire, then add that file or folder into the library, then move them into my all music folder will that work?

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