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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Foot pain when skating

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I'm with TBL and shifter. From the pictures, the Tacks are clearly not deep enough for you so it's not just a matter of width but of depth as well. Look up some Nike Flexlites, RBKs or 709 Grafs.

I'm thinking the Flexlite might not be supportive enough given his weight (6'5-6'6", currently around 320) and beginner status. How about Bauer Supreme 8090's? Overkill?

Pretty hard to come by also.

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I have the same pain that you have and tried both CCM692's and currently in Graf 705 in a wide. I have less pain in the grafs and it is managable. I like you also have no pain when wearing sneakers or shoes but also experienced this with cleats.

I recently visited a podiatrist friend of mine who also plays hockey. He suggested I try a custom orthontic to place in the skates and also wear daily in shoes, sneakers, etc. His feeling is that under ordinary walking conditions I am not feeling pain because of the limited use. In an athletic activity the improper alignment of the foot is compounded under stress which then causes the pain. I am going to try this and will post again on the results. As for switching skates, I am not sure this will get you the desired result.

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Anyone have any plan of action recommendations? I'm happy to buy in Seattle but I'd want to almost "make an appointment" as driving for 3+ hours one way to find out they're too busy to help me would be a huge waste of time.. Anyone know MSH members that work or have connections with Seattle shops that can help me out? Or should I just strike it north to The Hockey Shop or another BC store(?), try everything I can on, and come back home and order 'em?

Whoa-ho-ho. That move there won't go over well.

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Whoa-ho-ho. That move there won't go over well.

I know. I'm not excited about it. After all, it's 10 hours of driving in total. :P So what do you recommend...?

edit: I'd have no problem buying them in BC if it weren't for the currency rates. If you tell me that BC hockey shops have comparable prices to US shops even after the currency conversion, then I'll happily make the drive and support the Canadian economy :P

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Actually, it's more the shops that don't like you going in and trying their skates -- but not buying from them.

Maybe budget a daytrip to go through Seattle and then onto Surrey and Vancouver? As much as I'd like you to spend your skate money in Canada, you might be able to find what you need in Lynnwood, Kirkland or Seattle. Just make sure they have Grafs, Nikes and RBKs to try on. Even better if they had some Buaer 8090's.

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