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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A few questions for you to better answer yours: how old are you? Have you ever used weights before? And what exactly are your goals in working out?

Yes, we need to know these things before helping you with a workout schedule.

Regardless of your answer, though, there are very few reasons to lift weights every day. Your muscles need to rest and grow for you to get stronger. Ideally, you should work out hard for several (maybe 3-4) days a week, and rest the others (or do some light cardio).

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eat? search? eat while searching?

for a short but serious answer - lift hard 4 days a week, eat a balanced diet (6 small meals a day) with at least 1g of protine per pound of body weight. You also need to be eating more calories then your body is burning, thats the only way to get big.

www.bodybuilding.com is your friend. go there and read, and search, and eat while doing all of it.

you can lift all the weights you want, but if you don't eat right, you'll never get any stonger / bigger.

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lift hard 4 days a week, eat a balanced diet (6 small meals a day) with at least 1g of protine per pound of body weight.

That doesn't really sound very balanced to me. Hmmmmmm. :rolleyes:

My PROFESSIONAL advice is to talk to a trainer at your school or gym who knows you, your goals, and who has the time to teach you the "WHY" as well as the "WHAT".

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lift hard 4 days a week, eat a balanced diet (6 small meals a day) with at least 1g of protine per pound of body weight.

That doesn't really sound very balanced to me. Hmmmmmm. :rolleyes:

My PROFESSIONAL advice is to talk to a trainer at your school or gym who knows you, your goals, and who has the time to teach you the "WHY" as well as the "WHAT".

Its not that off balanced. I lift 4 days a week, with 2 days cardio. Keeps everything in check. And the most protein your body can absorb is 2g per kg of body weight. If you want to put on weight, I'd say go with about 1g per kg, which isn't that hard if you have one or two protein shakes a day, and eat nuts, chicken, fish in your meals. Just be sure its equally spaced out through the day, otherwise you're gonna be getting some nasty bathroom time. Drink lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day.

I wouldn't suggest lifting any more than 4 days a week, because it's not really necessary if you plan it out well. There are a lot of exercises out there that can target a lot of muscle groups, which can give you the same results in a fraction of the time.

Talk to a local trainer to set you up, or look on a website like menshealth.com, and piece it together for yourself.

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lift hard 4 days a week, eat a balanced diet (6 small meals a day) with at least 1g of protine per pound of body weight.

That doesn't really sound very balanced to me. Hmmmmmm. :rolleyes:

My PROFESSIONAL advice is to talk to a trainer at your school or gym who knows you, your goals, and who has the time to teach you the "WHY" as well as the "WHAT".

why do you say thats not balanced?

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