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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I just bought 2 of them off of hockey monkey and i know that they are not durable sticks. If i were to break them would the warranty still be available even if easton discontinued the stick?

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yea thats what im planning to do. i also realized i have less then a month for the warranty to be over. Since i purchased it yesterday, the sticks wont be delivered for a week. So does 30 days start when i get my sticks or the day i ordered them?

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The warrenty starts when your recipt is printed which should be the date on your confirmation e-mail. So you could already be a week behind when you recieve your sticks.

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this happened to me...and im getting an SE soon...

my SL lasted me 11 days (which is like 10 housr on the ice)

and i NEVER break sticks...just this one and the XXX-lite (both reputed as not durable)

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does the replacement stick also have a warranty?( i never broke a stick before the warranty time)

I noticed that people get mad when people flood the board with questions so ill just ask a question here that has nothing to do with the original topic. What is a good replacement blade for the si-core? Im looking more towards a wooden blade. Also it is a sicore grip if that changes anything.


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does the replacement stick also have a warranty?( i never broke a stick before the warranty time)

I noticed that people get mad when people flood the board with questions so ill just ask a question here that has nothing to do with the original topic. What is a good replacement blade for the si-core? Im looking more towards a wooden blade. Also it is a sicore grip if that changes anything.


Non. Otherwise there would be no market for sticks.


If there was a warranty on warranty sticks, and you knew that you could get a replacement stick every time you broke one, no one would ever go buy a new stick. Ever. So, for that reason, you get one, and only one, warranty replacement.

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