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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To what effect would the lie of a hockey stick

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If the stick isn't flat on the ice a higher lie isn't going to help at all. You need your stick to be as flat on the ice as possible, your length preference and hand position will determine what lie you should be using.

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I understand that, so if I used a longer stick, what type of lie would be best? I've been trying to use higher lies because I've played center the last few years, switched to wing this year though.

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I understand that, so if I used a longer stick, what type of lie would be best?
Whatever lie puts the blade flat on the ice. If your stick comes up to your mouth/nose in bare feet, you're probably best off with a 5. Under your chin in bare feet, 5.5 or so and six+ if it's down around your collarbone. All of those are just estimates, your results may differ.

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