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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate help

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ok so ive skating in one90s XXXX and XXX..and the old ccm vector pro..and all of the skates have given me pain on the outside of my pink to half way to my ankle on both sides and my LHS hasnt been able to fit me for a skate that doesnt do this..so i took some pic myself so hopefully they can help me if not..ill take better ones..but can someone point me towards what skate i should look at thanks!


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yeah i broke my ankles a couple times...my LHS doesnt have the stuff to punch or streach..and even if they did that cant fit me in the right skate so i doubt i would trust them to do that

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You have a VERY pronounced 5th metatarsal in both of your feet......IE....very wide and curving forefoot. Have you tried the RBK's in a EE? The main issue that I am seeing with you feet is that you have a relatively normal arch with a very wide forefoot and a normal width heel. That is a pretty odd combination. Just looking at them RBK maybe...other than that...$$$$$....custom maybe. :(

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no i havent tryed Rbk in anything...you think thats the way i should go? i mean you seem to know your stuff..so thanks for the info spreedizzle....i dont know what you said but thanks!

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If you're gonna go the RBK route, might wanna see if you could find some EE/B sizes. That should give you the wider forefoot, but a narrower heel. Even if you get a pump version, you don't want to rely on the Pump for fitting, just fine tunage.

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I would give Graf a try, specifically the 709. Heel might be a little wide but I'd say its definatly worth a try. Most importantly, find a quality hockey store that has alot of skate stock so you can try a few pairs on and see what could work. Even if the graf feels good, try the previously mentioned ones on too. Also, were the bauers and vectors d or ee width. I dont know the exact specifics of how wide each model of graf skate is but the one90 in the ee is the widest stock bauer skate I know of. The ee is equivilent to a 3e in other bauer skates. Hope this helps.

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I skate in the 7K E's, and have a similar foot profile to yours, but the 5th metatarsal isn't as flared as yours. Granted I haven't seen your foot in person, but from the looks of it the EE in the RBK's might have a shot of fitting you properly. If you have a shop around that stocks them.....I'd give them a shot and see how they fit. Good luck....and keep us posted.

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the only LHS shop i have is greatskate..and they havnet been very good at all because each time i go to get new skates there i tell them where the prb is..and they stick me in a diffrent model skate..so a LHS is not a good idea from me..im willing to drive tho..im like 20 min from the canada border

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If you're gonna go the RBK route, might wanna see if you could find some EE/B sizes. That should give you the wider forefoot, but a narrower heel. Even if you get a pump version, you don't want to rely on the Pump for fitting, just fine tunage.

This is not correct. The **/B heel cup would be wider than the regular **/A ditto. A narrower than regular heel would be **/AA

are you talking EE or just Es in the rbk?

EE in RBK:s would be custom...

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reebok D is pretty wide. I needed a 9EE vapor to fit my foot and just a 9D reebok 5k pump fit like a glove. The CCM 6.0 9D were wide enough at the toes, but narrow at outside of my arches.

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If you're near Great Skate, try the shop in the Pepsi Center called Front Row. They have Grafs, and I find the guys there very helpful.

If you want the Reeboks, I know that Reed's in Fort Erie has them. They are good at fitting from what I have heard. If the prices are high, they might offer you a fitting for a price and then buy stateside. I know when my brother in law went there, the RBK 5's were almost $100 more than at Great Skate. He ended up going to Front Row and getting Grafs.

Good luck.

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well i thinking i should give grafs a try i havent worn a pair of those yet...so what model should i look at?

Possibly G70 or G9, I'm sure your LHS will help you out.

BTW, have you been surfing the Graf website for info?

Graf Canada

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well my LHS is greatskate and they havent done anything for me for the last 3 skates ive bought from them..so thats not going to happen

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the only LHS shop i have is greatskate..and they havnet been very good at all because each time i go to get new skates there i tell them where the prb is..and they stick me in a diffrent model skate..so a LHS is not a good idea from me..im willing to drive tho..im like 20 min from the canada border

If you're near Great Skate, try the shop in the Pepsi Center called Front Row. They have Grafs, and I find the guys there very helpful.

If you want the Reeboks, I know that Reed's in Fort Erie has them. They are good at fitting from what I have heard. If the prices are high, they might offer you a fitting for a price and then buy stateside. I know when my brother in law went there, the RBK 5's were almost $100 more than at Great Skate. He ended up going to Front Row and getting Grafs.

Good luck.

If I'd known you were from Buffalo/Amherst I would've recommended Front Row, too. But don't go to the one at the Pepsi Centre. Go to the main store in Thorold, Ontario, Canada. I go there for all my stuff, especailly skates. They do all the custom working, blade adjusting, skate orthotics etc. They also have all the Grafs and tons of other skates. The store is right off the QEW if you take the Queenston/Lewiston bridge. Set a date and go there! Here's the link- http://www.frontrowsport.com/

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would i have a chance of the easton s15s fitting my feet?

Well, how would we know? You would have to try them on to see for yourself. Good luck!

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hockey is life..thats man im going to talk to some of m friends to see if they wanna take a lil road trip

It'll be worth it!!

would i have a chance of the easton s15s fitting my feet?

Well, how would we know? You would have to try them on to see for yourself. Good luck!

The head skate guy (Dave) would know. Go in on a Saturday morning or afternoon because he is usually there.

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