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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 8 vs. Tackla

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hey guys,

i am in the market for buying a new girdle. My LHS insists that i buy the bauer because it is adjustable, but the think is i have had the vapor 8 and the pads were always falling out. I am not sure if tackla's will fit me rite? Do you think i should move to pants?

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Guest 2048

I have the older version of the bauer girdle, the one without straps, and love it. I can't imagine it being as comfy if it weren't all lycra.

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Used the Vapor 8 for about 6 months; switched to the Tackla about a year ago. For my 2 cents, the Tackla is superior in every category (protection, weight, mobility).

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They all come out. By design.

You can strip the pads out and wash the lycra shell. I've done it many times.

I currently wear the MBP8...I love the convenience of it. I can really get my skates tied really tight b/c I don't have my girdle on when I do it. However, the Tackla and the old MBP has better padding. The MBP8 has some gaps - there's a reason why they call it "Pro Model." Every pro whose girdle I've seen, they're gutted the midsection of the girdle.

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on 1800faceoff the have the Bauer MBP 8 Pro Hockey Girdle but i looked at it on kempshockey and thye show it as Bauer Vapor 8. They both look exactly the same. Is there a difference between them is the MBP 8 Pro a pro model

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