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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK modano pattern

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Hey, was looking to buy a new stick. im using a NikeBauer St.louis PM9 pattern right now. I'm hopefully going to switch to a sickick but i was wondering if the Modano pattern for RBK is the same lie as the PM9. Some of the information online is different from site to site.

EDIT: refrased

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Yes they are the same curve. It might just be my eyes but to me it seems that the RBK Modano has a little less curve than the PM9.

i agree with you. it appears to me also that the rbk has less of a curve.

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yes i did ask about the lie but thanks about that other info. my bro was talking to the guy who owns my lhs and he was saying that they are NOT the same lie, and that one of them (i think it was the RBK one) was .5 if not 1 point high than the NBH one.

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Go to the LHS, grab a PM9 and an RBK Modo. Set them on the counter with the middle of the rocker on the flat top. Check the angle of the tenon. If they line up, they're the same and you can use one to slap the worker that told you otherwise. If they're not the same then something screwy is going on with companies changing their curves. We weren't discussing SWD or Warrior, so I assume no one would have mentioned variances like that.

Checking to see if something is the same or higher/lower lie is easy when you can get your hands on them. Assigning actual numbers is a bit harder, but that's why we have the pattern DB at the top.

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