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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pain from my skate.

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I have graf 703s and I've been skating in them for more than a year now. Anyways 3 days ago I put new shock doctor footbeds in them because my other ones were shot. Since I put them footbeds in my left foot has been having pain while I've been skating. It on the top of my foot up high. I don't know what that part of foot is called but its the part of your foot thats right by the 2nd eye hole to the top.

I was thinking that it would have to be from forward flex, but I've been skating like this since I baught these and this just started happening. Its weird because its only in my left foot and not my right. Does anyone know whats the cause of this and how I could make the pain go away? Thanks.

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Lace bite, I can't believe I never thought of that. But why would I have lacebite in just one foot and not the other? I just campared the foot beds and the new ones are a bit thicker than the old ones but there not that much more.

What do you think it is, and how can I get rid of it?

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The best fix for lacebite is a gel pad under the tongue of your skate. In this case a thinner footbed might be a better solution.

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The best fix for lacebite is a gel pad under the tongue of your skate. In this case a thinner footbed might be a better solution.

Alright, where do I get something to put under the toungue of my skates? So I'm getting lacebite in my left skate now becuase I switched footbeds?

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If that's the only difference, that would be the most likely cause of the lacebite. I know maltese makes gel pads and most places that sell figure skates have the gel pads.

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Alright thanks guys. I was looking at my old footbeds and my left one is in pretty good condition still, so I think I am going to put my graf one in my left skate and leave the shock doctor in the right one. Hopefully this helps, and if it doesn't I am going to get one of them gel things. THanks again.

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That's the one unfortunate thing with Shock Doctors is that they make the skates fit slightly tighter and as such, generally your skates are going to fell smaller with them in as opposed to the regualr footbeds. I do think that Shock Doctors do make a difference though.

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My dad just got home a little bit ago, and I was talking to him about my skates and lace bite adn he told me that he put different footbeds in his work boots a while ago and at first he had lace bite but after a week they were fine. I am gonna keep skating in these and hopefully that same we'll happen.

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Pats, when you got your Shock Doctors, how did you size them? I know that they have sizes that go for like 8.5-9.5, but did you base that off your skate size or your footsize?

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Pats, when you got your Shock Doctors, how did you size them? I know that they have sizes that go for like 8.5-9.5, but did you base that off your skate size or your footsize?

thats off your skate size.

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Thats what I thought, however I've purchased insoles before by basing off the skate size and when I got home, they were obviously meant for the shoe size.

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Yeah the Shock Doctors are skate sizing, but odds are that they will need to be trimmed down to fit your skates so just match your old insoles with the new onie and snip away.

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