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Connecting my Mac to my Wireless Network

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I just got a G4 and I can't connect to the internet...Called up my ISP, the company that made my router, and Apple. Of course, with my luck, nothing changed, and i'm still stuck with my problem.

Basic details, i have a wireless network in my house which has a Desktop and a Notebook that are able to connect to it (both PC's i might add).

When i look for available networks through my AirPort card, it doesn't even recognize my Wireless internet, and I have spent about 2 days trying to solve this and a VERY large amount of time on the phone without getting anything solved.

Anyone, who can provide ANY helpful feedback/recomendations, etc. would be GREATLY appreciated.



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I have a mac as well, couple things to check as this happens alot with me so I feel your pain.

Make sure your wireless router is compatible with macintosh computers [most of the time it is but there are rare instances]

Make sure you don't have a hidden network or firewall blocking your computer from entering that network

Try hardwiring your laptop onto the network to see if that works [plugging your laptop right into the modem] Then establishing the wireless connection.

And also it wouldn't hurt to reboot [unplug not just turn on and off] your router and modem, sometimes it is a simple as that.

Good Luck and I hope everything works out.

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What kind of router? I had a Linksys that never worked right, swapped out for a D-Link, problem solved.

I would reset all the settings on your router and remove password protection and go from there.

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If your ISP is anything like mine, you need to register your MAC address of your wireless/network card. (Not to be confused with Mac, the name of the computer line.) So that might be an ISP thing, not an Apple thing. Also, Jarick's suggestion to clear all the security settings from the router is good too. You might have enabled something you didn't know.

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alright Guys...thanks for supporting your fellow ModSquad member in something that wasn't hockey..

but i called theguy who refurbed my computer (like a computer-tech specialist) and he figured ot the problem.

So for anyone else who has this problem like I do, there is an "antenna" looks more like a silver wire that you need to click onto your AirPort card.

it's basically like a headphone jack, but a little smaller..

Thanks again guys :) (except Apple who kept trying to charge me $50.00)

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