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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Iginla Pattern

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I was in a shop today and saw several Sherwood 950 blades with Iginla stamped on them. The stamp was somewhat sloppy which made them stick out even more. Anybody know whats up with this? They probably had 5-10 of them on the rack.

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SherWood has the IG pattern as one of their retails. Whether or not they're allowed to actually use Iginla's name is beyond me. What store was it? They might have labeled it themselves to try and avoid confusion over a "IG-225" or whatever the full name is.

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we have some in my shop as well, i called jr on it a while ago and he said he was unsure becasue the stamp looks the same as the prostock or sop stamp that they use. the curve looks very similar to the iggy easton pattern. unless he has found out recently we still dont know whats up with them.

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