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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kovalev...unreal hands

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i think the reasoning behind it is if your arms are that strong - why do you need flex? it would just make your accuracy a little less predictable.

Also if you are that strong and use whippy sticks you are just going to constantly break them - so why bother?

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I forget where I read it but as a kid his father was a steel worker so he would bore out pucks and put steel in the middle to strengthen his wrists.

Also anyone know where I can find those bags he shoots into?

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i couldn't remember what flex he used for sure - so i went and got the game used kovalev stick out of my closet - it is from a few years back but it was a easton grip lite shaft in 110 flex - i knew i was pretty close..

the stick is from back when he played for the penguins - so he may have moved up to an even stiffer flex since then - i dunno

At one point in Pittsburgh he had a wrist injury and had to go "down" to 110 and 100 for a while.

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