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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Long Island Rinks?

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the 4ft girl at the front desk you mean. Over the summer one kid came he was like 11 or 12 and he was the best goalie i have ever seen for his age group. He had a fast glove and could really move around the crease. He could really be something if he keeps improving. Thockey how often do you go to sporttime i might know you

Not the one at the desk. There was some 4 foot nothing sized girl on V-Forms who played goalie for one of the teams. Everyone ran up the score on them. Felt pretty bad doing it.

I play every season there with a few kids i know. Have been for a few years now.

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ive been there for the past two fridays.. and your right tony is a nice guy.. when i do my crazy moves i try not to do it on tony.. i do it on the new goalie lol.. when do you guys usually play?

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well me and some friends from my school team would all go down there but they have made the drop in hockey 18+ so now me and my friends are all SOL. If you went at all during the summer you saw me, im a tall kid 6'0 and 15 years old. Red jersey not the greatest skater

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