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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pocket and Super Pocket Bikes?

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Yeah my birthday is coming up here in about a month and well i am already going to get some M-1 shoulder pads and NHL 2005, I thought about asking for a super pocket bike. I was just wondering from those who have rode one or have one or a pocket bike, what do you guys think of them and are they that fun to ride. Myself, I have never had the chance to ride one but have always wanted one, so i think this is my chance to get one from my grandma and grandpa because i'm spoiled like that lol. So from those who have one or has rode one could you please give me some more information about them and what some good brands are to buy. Thanks again for the help....sorry for the long post.


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Here down south all the cops have been offering people who they pull over either they get the huge fine and or jail time or they can just take away the bike. Do not get one unless you have a little racetrack around you.

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Well, before I ask for one I am going to call and check the rules and regulations for them, but thanks for the heads up guys.

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