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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Harold & Kumar 2

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I get plenty of furburgers... I would actually prefer to have a whitecastle if I could choose.

Been damm curios about those burgers ever since I saw the movie, and I haven't been within 500miles of one ever since... damm.

At the tradeshow in Detroit, I realized I had driven by one, so I had to u-turn to see why they are so famous. After eating four of the mini burgers, I called my wife and said, "Actually, I think they'd be pretty good if they used real meat."

Man, they were disgusting! They tasted like boiled, artificial meat -- kinda like the hamburgers they used to serve at grade school. They must have some good, um, extracurriculars in the midwest, because I'm thinking that's the only thing that could bring on a craving for White Castle.

Regarding H&K2, I was disappointed by the first movie, but saw the previews for the sequel today. It looks like it might be better than I'm expecting.

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White Castle is the centerpiece of a good drunken story...(...and then we went to White Castle)...for many of the NY metro youth...

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