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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shane Doan and Alex Steen's skates.

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I just want to know if someone here knows what kind of skates Doan and Steen are wearing. I know they played with CCM Pro Tacks in the past years. I love these skates and I'm sad that they are now unavailable. I've seen Steen with the new Vector skates at the beginning of the year, but know with these all black skates with the CCM holder.

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I believe they're the new Vectors sans graphics. Not sure why they haven't gotten them a pair with the new graphics, unless they're not a big fan of the design..There's been quite a few discussions on these.. do a quick search to be sure.

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Sick auction up there. Weird that no one shot a bid.

Anyways, those seem to be (unfinished) U+ skates as JR said in some other thread. I believe some CCM Boss wore them in the CCM gave JR took part in.

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he's got a crazy lift on these that seems to only be on the right skate.. nice skates! i wouldn't mind skating in non branded skates like that.

(risers on the heel and the front toe)

..one leg longer than the other by a little bit?

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