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RBK Shins too wide?

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I tried on some RBK 6k shins and i liked the look of the protection they gave but my one concern is the width. I'm pretty skinny and I couldnt work out how well they'd stay in place with tape over the socks. Does anyone have experience with these? Particularly other skinny people?

Also, has anyone found the bulk of the shinpads a problem with crossovers etc?


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I tried on some RBK 6k shins and i liked the look of the protection they gave but my one concern is the width. I'm pretty skinny and I couldnt work out how well they'd stay in place with tape over the socks. Does anyone have experience with these? Particularly other skinny people?

Also, has anyone found the bulk of the shinpads a problem with crossovers etc?


I've got 3k's...not sure how different the shape/fit of the higher models are.

I find the strap at the knee is pretty loose...but the one across the calf is nice and tight...I tape above the ankle and below the knee and they stay in place nicely.

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i have a pair of 9ks and i love them.. i know that they are a bit bulky but you dont feel anything when somebody slashes or hits you with a shot. it has not taken away from my performance at all. It has the new 3 point strap that i use and then i just tape 2 times around under the kneecap, and they are just as snug as my old bauers, great shin

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Shin pads, no matter the model are made of plastic. If they are too wide you can play around with them. Bend the sides in and they will fit tighter, the same goes for pads that are too tight.

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Ok thanks guys, so in tossing up between the 6k and the 9k, what exactly does the fitlite system do differently from the ASD? I didn't really pay close attention to the straps.

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I know you asked about the 6ks. I have no experience with them but I do have some with the 3ks.

I have very skinny legs. I wish the velcro adjustments on the straps let me pull them tighter. However, I have not had issues with them moving.

I have found that, when I get sloppy on my crossover technique, my leg crossing over will come into contact with my shinguard. This happens when I am too upright and not crossing over very far, which is mostly when I am tired.

I hope this helps!

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I'm also pretty skinny with decent sized calfs... 6ks fit perfectly. Just a twist or two of tape beneath the knee for reinforcement and you're good.

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I wanted RBK shins, they were really wide. I can deal with that but...

I went with Eastons because they are a bit narrower and somehow fit me better lengthwise.

I went back to buy RBKs... same problem.

Too long or too short for me.

Base your final decision on comfort AND protection.

If you care...

I'm 6'0" and about 175 lbs.

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Ok thanks guys, so in tossing up between the 6k and the 9k, what exactly does the fitlite system do differently from the ASD? I didn't really pay close attention to the straps.

The fitlite series has a "sling" system that keeps the pad off your shin. The ASD does not.

I have 6K's and find them perfect for blocking shots on D or wing

They are a bit bulky but the wraparound shin helps when you're screening goalies that like to slash at you a bit.

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I have the 9ks and I am very happy with them. The protection is great and the three point strap is the most secure shinpad strap I have ever used--much less tape is needed.

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I've tried both the 4k and 6k and the 6k felt a little odd on my legs (and I am the definition of skinny chicken legs) so I went with the 4k (felt better). Neither shifted around.

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I have the 9ks and I am very happy with them. The protection is great and the three point strap is the most secure shinpad strap I have ever used--much less tape is needed.

agreed. i have 18" 9k's and they fit awesome. i thought the bulk would be a problem at first but it wasnt. and the padding is amazing, i don't feel a thing

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OK Thanks guys i guess ill go with the 6k fitlites then.

Good choice. I have both and decided to go with the 6K over the 9K. I use a shin sleeve and one strap on top of the shinguard, then hockey socks, then 1 more piece of tape right under the knee

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I remember reading a few comments about the early Fitlite shins - their suspension straps inside would break. Any issues with the current ones?

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