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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech X-Factor Gloves

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There are a pair of Itech X-Factor gloves on eBay, but I'm more curious about the catch glove. It's the one with the three round pads on the T-Strap. I've seen them in stores, but never really examined them back then. Anyone have any info on these? Any pros/cons to that model. I don't know the Exact model number, so any help would be appreciated before I decide to get them or not.

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Exact, they call that the TARMAC. I got an Itech 11.8 and both of my glove have that. For the blocker, this help for holding my stick, it's like a grip . For the glove, the puck don't bounce like my old 590 Koho.

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I have the Itech 8.8 and I must say I love the glove as the pocket is wide and deep contrary to other brands which seem to have a norrower and longer pocket. As fot the blocker, it's nice but mine is somewhat old and the newer models are much nicer IMO.

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