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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ankle Brace/Tape

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Does anybody here tape their ankles or skate with a brace on? I sprained my right ankle before Thanksgiving and it's still sore and feels like it needs some support. I finally got it to stop hurting enough to play in a game, but afterwards it started swelling a little and it's sore as hell now. I've never skated with any sort of support other than my skates, so I wanted to know if it would inhibit my stride (I skate with a deeeeeeep knee bend) or if it would mess up the way my skates fit in the ankle (CCM tacks 492, well broken in, not baked).


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I've had ankles problems for a while, and once I rolled my ankle just before a game. I tried to wear an ankle brace for support, but my ankle with the brace just barely fitted into the skate. It was definitely stretching in out, and if I did play with it on, it would ruin the boot. The only thing you can really do is tape it. Two stripes of tape going the side of the leg and under the arch of the foot. Then a few wraps of tape around the leg. I found this to be the best way to tape a weakened ankle. This would inhibit you stride a little though.

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