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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton 1500 C Skates with Hum'er Chassis

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It should "work" with either sized wheels. With the 80mm you would have to take a dremel to the underside of the boot to make clearance for the first wheel to recess into the base of the skate. I haven't done it on this skate specifically.....but unless the underside of the skate is VERY thin, and you would puncture into the footbed, then there is no reason that it would not work.

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I have the 800c's and going based on those the underside of the boot is very thin...like 2 or 3 credit cards thick there is no way you could get any significant amount of clearance with a dremel. You could definitely get away with 76 wheels all around though.

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No, the frame does not sit flush on the frame. The boot does not flex either, so theres NO way of getting it on. Trust me, it does not work. Ask JR, he attempted it for me. No go.

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No, the frame does not sit flush on the frame. The boot does not flex either, so theres NO way of getting it on. Trust me, it does not work. Ask JR, he attempted it for me. No go.

I have mounted a bunch of Easton's, and they have their own pitch and sole configuration, which doesn't move. None of the roller chassis have the right "kiss". I added a wedge on the back edge of Kovy's Sprungs when I mounted them, but now I sand down the front of the rear mount plate and everything touches, front to rear.

There is no sole thickness to dremel into for front wheel clearance. You will most likely have a wheel spinning on the bottom of your toes. I've seen one pair with Hummers, but I think he was using 76's. Somebody out there has some, though, for sure.

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